Friday, June 26, 2009

ORUG June 24th Meeting Notes

Thanks to the 35 people who came and participated in our meeting. Here are the notes from the evening...

News and other misc topics:

ORUG member 'Solares' featured in Azure magazine.

Yankee Stadium Completed using Revit and Navisworks

New Revit content site:

New Revit Specific Magazine, featuring Steve Stafford

AEC Edge

2010 Interface, 'where's my tool' flash page...

Jay started out with an Interface tour. One feature to remember is the ability to use dual screens, without workarounds.

Yogi wowed us with the blindingly new conceptual mass tools. He massed up the local Roy Thompson Hall including curtain panels.

Some topics were discussed for our next meeting:


Struct Soft-Panelizer and Robot Strucural Analysis

KPMB update