Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Initial Planning Meeting - 14-June-06

Thanks to all who attended the preliminary planning meeting! Here are some topics we discussed:

After quick introductions the Revit tips start flying. Here's one; Use the section tool for elevations instead of the typical elevation tool. This may help performance.
How do you get rid of imported dwgs? It was recommended to use link instead because you can purge them.
Try to keep the entire project in Revit as long as possible.
Ideas for the group; LEED topic- Ecotech was recommended. A sponsored website-Ashley Gilbert? Meetings every quarter at a downtown location. Lunch hour is good. Use email for posting to blog. (I will send the address out to all in attendance and to anyone who requests this via email.)
Speakers from Autodesk. Using the Autodesk/Alias conference room. NFR copies of software possibility. Concern for small firms access to resources was voiced.
Secret handshake not decided upon:-)

The next meeting is tentatively planned for mid-August. It will most likely be at Alice Fazooli's downtown. Please email me if you would like to attend.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Revit Builds

Revit is in ongoing development. The developers read the forums at and respond to bug reports etc. These builds are not advertised as thoroughly as they should be. That means that as users we should keep an eye on the Revit forum at because that is usually where it's posted first. The builds are coded so we know which one is the latest. You can find out what version you have by going to Help-About Autodesk Revit. Build 20060518_2300 has just come out and addresses mainly area plan calculations; there is a full discussion of this topic here