Thursday, February 26, 2009

Game Engine for Architects

This may be of interest....

Autodesk® Project Newport - real-time 3D story building technology for architectural visualization and presentation. With game-engine technology and breakthrough ease-of-use, Project Newport enables architects to show their design in context, rapidly explore design options, and create vivid and immersive 3D presentations. Newport brings architectural designs to life by expressing design intent at every stage of a project.

If you want to join the beta testing...

Friday, February 20, 2009

ORUG Summit March 4,2009

ORUG Summit - Wednesday March 4th 6:30 - 9:00 PM

Please join us for our first ORUG Summit. We will have three topic discussion tables: CAD Manager Issues, Project Manager Issues, and Miscellaneous Topics.
Date: Wednesday March 4, 2009Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

Location: Alice Fazooli's, 294 Adelaide St W, Toronto ON, M5V 1P6. Click here for map.

For those taking the TTC, it is conveniently located near both Osgoode and St. Andrew stations on the Yonge-University-Spadina line.

Guest: Charles Simco is a Toronto Litigation lawyer at Shibley Righton LLP who will be available to offer his opinion at the Legal Contract issues discussion table.

Introductions, Welcome and News

Jay Polding will update us about Revit 2010 and what's been going on for the past four months.
If you would like to become an ORUG member or attend this meeting as a guest, please contact Jay Polding at There is no charge to attend.

Topic Discussion Tables

CAD Manager Issues


Office Standards and Templates

Project Manager Issues

*Integrated Project Delivery

*Legal Contract Issues
Miscellaneous Topics

*Revit 2010*Tips and Tricks

*There will be 1 moderator at each table and 2 note takers. Notes will be posted to the ORUG Blog at

CAD MicroSolutions Inc.65 International Blvd Toronto ON M9W 6L9P: 416-213-0533 or 1-888-401-5885 F: 416-213-0538

Revit 2010 Build Checker

Looks like this might be useful...

The Beside The Cursor Revit Build Checker has been updated to support Revit 2010 products when they are available. No need to launch Revit and search for the build number...just launch my script to get a report on installed versions of Revit from Release 9.1 through 2010.Also works with 64 bit Windows XP and Vista. Also works with Revit MEP and Revit Structures.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Useful links on various forms of the IPD Contracts docs

Pierre Hoppener from Autodesk sent me this very interesting email and wanted to share it with the group...

The following are websites where customers can find examples that illustrate the current American Institute of Architecture thinking and suggested implementation of an IPD leveraging BIM.

AIA California Council Docs

IPD Working Definition:

IPD Guide:

Level of Detail Matrix:

March 4th Meeting Topics

Here is some great input from our members on topics for the next meeting. There is a poll on the sidebar of this blog in order to vote for topics which interest you. Please send Jay Polding an email if you have other topics or would like to present something yourself.

'Today I was working on the site plan and realized that it takes a long time to develop the skills to to a good site plan in revit, from importing contours from cad to taking cut/fill values, even how to draw curbs. You could do one meeting on site plan and another on stairs. Get some people to present samples of work and step-by step tips on development. You should followup with a blog summary for all to share the notes...'

'I think we should attract New comers to Revit meetings by spending half an hour or around that telling everybody new tips and tricks in Revit. Even sometimes the Basics of Revit so the novice would also think of coming to the meetings.'

'Revit & Integrated Project Delivery
Solid Modelling & best practices for custom family creation.
Revit - Material and Cost Estimating
Templates and Office Standards'

'Well, it could be anything that supplements the building design but I'm thinking specifically about structural and mechanical.
There is a promise there that I don't think is being lived up to, at least in my limited experience. It would be interesting to hear from people who have had some (hopefully better) experience trying to make it work.'

'I’d like to see some examples of how people are using the Revit API and .Net to automate processes.'